Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Security check

Most of us made it through security without incident. Bob, on the other hand... had his classic "Leatherman" in his backpack and the x-ray machine picked it out. We are terribly worried now about how we can finish the construction project. Please send any suggestions for how we can recover from this terrible setback at the start of our trip.

Departing RDU

Team Uno (8 of the 10) departed RDU at 6:00 AM this morning

Monday, January 30, 2012

Team Uno

Team One: Joel Brown, Steve Brown, Tom Childrey, Dennis Ellis, Kristen Ellis, Bob Kimball, Keith Lewis, Dudley Neal, Mike Satterfield, and Rachael Wilson.
Not pictued are Kristen and Rachael. They are flying in from different locations (Kristen from Pennsylvania and Rachael from Cincinnati). We look forward to having the full team together when we meet up in the Atlanta airport on Tuesday morning.

Commissioning Service

Our Honduras Mission Teams were blessed with a commissioning service at FBC Raleigh on Sunday, January 29, 2012. "... we will be the living expression of God's kindness... to the children, to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, we will always give a happy smile. We will give not only our care, but also our hearts.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012