Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 3 recap

Brantley and Jerry Blanchard, as well as Dr. Bob Matthews are workhorses. Whether it involves carrying mescla, laying block, lifting heavy loads overhead or fitting channel block, their skill-set on the worksite has been admirable and appreciated. John and Greg continue to cut any length, size or shape of block as needed. The Flores house is now prepped for a roof and floor! Hallelujah! We enjoyed sunny skies and a steady breeze as we fellowshipped with the locals of San Lorenzo throughout the day. Jeremy and Obed (translator) shared a message of love and grace and salvation to a group of teenage boys during lunch time. Greg closed this awesome day with a heartfelt devotion. God is GOOD.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. It's good to hear of your progress on the house and your time with the family and neighbors. So does this talented group have a closet chef to provide eggs, bacon, omlettes, and pancakes on Sunday morning like team one? Enjoy your day of worship and rest tomorrow.
