Wednesday, February 8, 2012

BobO - Supervision par excellence

It is once again the last day of an amazing trip. I start by saying, working with my friends who are all veteran team members, except one, was awesome. To say I love them would be an understatement. Their hard work and ability to be flexible is incredible. This precious family of 12 will get lost in their new house of 25 by 19 feet after living in a small stick and mud hut. The little boy of the home named Reinaldo is the reason they have this home. When our group worked in this community of El Carrizo three years ago, everyone was inspired by his spirit, huge smile, and hard work. He worked so hard again this year. I have been to Honduras 11 years and that year I couldn’t go. After visiting this community last year and knowing Sharefish was involved there, I was so excited. It, like all the trips, exceeded my expectations. I love our work here. The father, German, is not a Christian but he knows he should make that decision. We will hope and pray for that. Today we gave them the keys to their new home and they cried. Before that we washed the family’s feet as Jesus did and it was very moving. I could go on for days but let me wrap up by saying this ministry has had a huge impact on our church, not by what Bob Kimball has done by going the first year in 1999 and inviting Jeremy Petty to go with me in 2004 but by the many people in our church who have heard the call since then to go and serve others there. I love missions and so do they. Thanks be to God. -- BobO

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