Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We arrived in Choluteca last night. The landing in Teguc was "memorable" because of the cloud cover and strong winds. We then got a first hand experience of the damage that the recent flooding had on the roads between Teguc and Choluteca (washouts, potholes, etc.). The Internet connection at the mission house was down last night so we couldn't update the blog, but hopefully we can catch up tonight. Everyone is doing well and we are heading out for our first work day in El Carrizo now! Buenos dias Honduras!!


  1. Did Bobo wake everyone up at 5am "looking for his leatherman" or did the RDU TSA keep it?(Hopefully)

  2. We hope and pray this morning that Rachael is not questioning her decision to participate...

  3. Did anyone measure the length of Tom's shorts today? Do they meet the minimum international requirement for length? #1- Obviously, FBC Raleigh only gets one shot at a good first impression in 2012. #2- Noone wants an international incident on the first day of labor.
