Saturday, February 4, 2012

A wonderful birthday

On this day, the 30th celebration of my glory filled life, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend it! Being here in Honduras, working with these wonderful people and having the opportunity to rekindle old friendships is the best gift anyone could receive. I am also so happy and blessed to be able to spend this day with Mi Papa! There were many wonderful moments today, including the great work accomplished atop the 9 foot “only in Honduras” scaffolding, a fun-filled afternoon of coloring, song and dance, laughter and celebration with todos ninos, another deliciosa comida gracias a Rosa, the wonderful worship celebration in Colonias Unidas, 2 (that’s right, dos!) cakes, one of which was ever so sweetly mashed in my face, and multiple renditions of Feliz Cumpleanos... but this day was topped off by the reconnection made with some of our favorite friends here in the neighborhood of the mission house. Seeing Deysi, Alexis, Ariel, Will and others made this day most special!!
As this fabulous day comes to an end, I am beyond grateful and thankful for all the blessings I have and continue to receive while here in Honduras! Muchos Gracias, Honduras! And… the celebration continues tomorrow with Hee Haw and Joel’s Shrimp and Grits! Oh yea! Buenos Noches! -- Con Amor, Cristina

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